The Adventure Begins

I have actually tried to start this blog for YEARS. I have written page after page with numerous web designs, as well as developers and none have come to fruition until NOW. I am so excited, that I haven’t even checked my spelling or grammar. Let me just get this out front. I am terrible at punctuation! Don’t judge. Just listen and imagine with me. Can you hear the song “ The long and winding road”? Ive spent a lot of years stuck in a perpetual state of isolating perfectionism but Im letting that go because it’s all His work any way. I am just the clay. I wish I would have learned a bit sooner to trash my idealism that I could actually live up to my idea of good and just be! Ok, I hear you saying whoa there; aren’t we supposed to be Holy as He is Holy? Yup I am, Because He is holy! Im not holy by my own merit but His holiness has covered me. So Im letting go of unrealistic expectations for the moment. Let’s face it old ingrained habits die hard. But today, Im taking ground with His help. Thank you Lord!