I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Flawed by nature, made beautiful by the one who created me. Being renewed from glory to glory into the likeness of The only ONE who is Glorious. I am but a shadow of the one I love but its enough just to be called His.
My latest roll is MaBear (grandmother) and still I am Mom, Momma, Moom, beloved wife of 33 years, sister of 7 siblings, and daughter of loving parents who are gone and daughter of the King.
The roads I’ve walked, the miles I’ve tread, the life I’ve lead, may it all point to Him! Through sorrow, rebellion, grief that none should bare; but, love, oh the love that I have found there. Its worth it all. The joy and the pain to Him be my song, and my praise all my life long. So I share it with you in hopes you will find comfort as I have and maybe some encouragement that He is close to the brokenhearted. He rejoices with us when we rejoice. He gives wisdom and insight as we seek Him. HE IS GOD! HE Loved us so much that He gave His only son , Jesus, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Thats HOPE!